Difficult to recommend a product or a wetsuit to those who have already reached this level because experience and maturation in the use of all the various neoprenes throughout the growth process has already formed the idea of ideal wetsuit for the type of use for which it is required, but given the always new availability of materials and technical progress in product packaging, we would like to suggest these solutions they enhance the characteristics and increase the performances.
The products that are offered can guarantee high performance, great comfort and watertightness thickness in depth, but certainly they can also have greater delicacy and less resistance, so it is necessary for the customer to be aware of the positive or negative qualities of the product and it is for this is essential more experience for the care and use of the suit.
This category will always be continuously updated, there will be new features that will be added in the future progressively to provide a wider variety of fabrics that will improve personal records of every diver.